Whisperlite Internationl V2 Prímus | utilif.is
ÚtilífThe North FaceOutlet

Whisperlite Internationl V2 Prímus


MSR Whisperlite™ International Multi-Fuel Backpacking Stove Fjölhæfur prímus sem hægt er að brenna með hvítu gasi, steinolíu og blýlausu eldsneyti. Fótasamsetning sem er úr ryðfríu stáli eykur stöðugleika, einfaldar viðhaldið og dregur úr þyngd. 


  • Multi-Fuel Performance:Burns white gas, kerosene, and unleaded auto fuel.
  • Lighter & Stable: Stamped stainless steel legs offer excellent stability and low weight.
  • Compact: Folds small and fits inside most MSR® pots.
  • Field Maintainable: Self-cleaning Shaker Jet technology and new, one-piece leg assembly allow fast cleaning and maintenance in the field.
  • Includes: Fuel pump, windscreen, heat reflector, small-parts kit, instructions, and stuff sack. (Fuel bottle not included.)