QD Kálfahlíf 5MM | utilif.is
ÚtilífThe North FaceOutlet

QD Kálfahlíf 5MM


Rehband Rx Shin/Calf Sleeve

Legg og kálfahlíf sem hentar vel til að koma í veg fyrir bólgur eða ef þú vilt vernda fótleggina fyrir núning. Kostir hlífarinnar eru margir. Meðal annars verndar hún fótleggina fyrir höggum. Hlífin hitar einnig vöðvana fyrr og hitinn linar sársauka.

The Rehband QD 5mm was developed as a high-durability calf sleeve to protect from abrasion, to warm joints and muscles, to prevent lactic acid buildup, and offer high support. The compression helps to minimize fatigue and muscle soreness in your calves and shins. This product is a great option for athletes to reduce calf and shin splint pain. Used for inflammatory conditions and muscle ruptures.

  • Adjustable hook-and-loop fasteners for individual fit
  • Excellent for weightlifting shin abrasions and rope climbs
  • Improves body control and performance
  • Protection against cramps, strains, tears, and shock
  • Protection against scrapes and scratches
  • Improves performance during races and practice
  • Speeds up race-recovery and rehabilitation