Footwear Repel Plus |
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Footwear Repel Plus


Grangers Performance Repel Plus er vatnsvarnarefni á úðaformi fyrir hvers kyns skófatnað.  Hentar fyrir öndunarfilmur svo sem GoreTex og Futurelight en er einnig hentugur til að fá vatnsfráhrindieiginleika í hvers kyns skó.

Efnið er Bluesign umhverfisvottað og umbúðirnar eru úr endurunnum plastúrgangi sem slæddur er úr hafinu.

This new spray-on waterproofing treatment offers superior protection  –ensuring your feet are adventure-ready whatever the weather. Suitable for all upper materials, this product offers durable repellency to keep feet warm and dry and also adds conditioning for Leather, Suede and Nubuck.


  • Superior water-repellency
  • Maximises breathability
  • Conditioning
  • Suitable for all uppers
  • Ocean Waste Plastic(OWP) bottles
  • Bluesign® approved
  • PFC-free


  • Gore-tex® and eVent®
  • Suede
  • Nubuck
  • Leather
  • Fabric

Nobody likes wet feet. Imagine you’re out walking in lovely supportive boots, then there’s an unexpected downpour of rain and, all of a sudden, your boots feel like squelching sponges. Well, don’t worry, there’s a really simple solution and it’s called Footwear Repel Plus. 

By spraying your footwear with this simple-to-use formulation, your feet will stay dry, regardless of the weather. It's suitable for all upper materials and now has added conditioning for leather, nubuck and suede.


It’s simple to use, harmless to the environment, comes in an OWP bottle and all you do is spray on, allow to dry and your feet will be fully protected once more.

So, what are you waiting for? Buy this OWP product today and stay outdoors for longer even when you get caught out in the rain because #withgrangersyoucan.

*Top tip* We always recommend cleaning footwear before applying any water-repellent treatment.